Tattoo Removal
Tattoos were used as marks of identification of a person in ancient times but now, they have become a way of decorating your skin or conveying messages/personality types etc. When you get yourself inked, you love it at that time. But you may want to get rid of the same tattoo which you had got done with tremendous zest, at some point in life. Laser tattoo removal is the process of removing tattoos and other forms of body ink by using lasers to fragment particles of ink so that they can be absorbed naturally by the skin.
Laser Treatment
Current gold standard for tattoo removal is laser treatment. The most common type of laser treatment uses equipment called the Q-switched laser (Tribeam Premium), which pulses light rapidly to dissolve the tattoo pigments without side effects. LASER emits an intense beam of light to remove the tattoo without harming the healthy skin cells in the vicinity. The laser light breaks the tattoo ink particles into tiny fragments which are then washed out through the body’s natural cleansing mechanism. This causes the tattoo to fade out or be removed. The whole cleansing process generally takes several weeks.
What Are The Points To Remember When Undergoing This Procedure ?
- Every skin is different, just like every individual is unique. One must have realistic expectations and not get carried away by advertisements, results obtained in other patients, celebrities etc.
- There are various kinds of Q switched laser available, and all machines do not have the same power, just like all physicians performing a particular procedure do not have the same level of expertise. Hence, you may be getting the right treatment done, but may be disappointment with the results, so choose your service provider wisely.
- A trained expert cosmetic dermatologist with good years of experience should be your treating physician.
- Multiple sessions are required in colorful tattoos. There may be a faint image still persisting even after multiple treatments depending on size, color, number of sessions needed etc.
People think tattoo are permanent. Those which are impulsively embedded may become a source of embarrassment. Tattoo can be either amateur or professional. Both types of tattoo can be removed safely with 532 or 1064 Q switch Nd:YAG laser.