Botox is used to remove dynamic wrinkles, fine lines and crow’s by temporarily relaxing muscles. Botox is a natural purified protein that relaxes muscles causing wrinkles, creating a rejuvenated appearance. Botox is used to relax specific facial muscles that wrinkle during facial expression. Thus, the lines gradually smoother and new lines are prevented from forming. Botox treatment is a non-surgical procedure whereby a small amount of Botox is administered into facial muscles using a very fine needle. Treatment takes around 10 minutes. Discomfort is minimal and anesthesia is usually not required.

Normal activities can be resumed soon after. Within three days softening in appearance of the wrinkles can be noticed and it takes about 7 days to see full results. The effect lasts up to 6 months before lines slowly begin to return to their pre-treatment levels. People around you will notice the fresh, youthful appearances.